February 26


We traveled to Pocolum today.   Once again, we set up in the existing medical clinic there.  The trip to Pocolum was beautiful, with lots of views of the valleys and mountains that the country is famous for.  The providers each had individual exam rooms with exam tables making it convenient.  The pharmacy and nurses stations were set up in the waiting area of the clinic, and once again, everything went smoothly with the patients being efficiently ready for a provider. 
The setting was more rural with a more Mayan population.  As a result, there needed to be a “double” interpretation from the native language to Spanish, and then Spanish to English.  That takes more time, but the local interpreters did a fine job helping us with their efforts.  Almost all of the patients needed two interpreters, with the exception of some teenagers and young adults. 
The overriding theme today was pain.  Head pain, abdominal pain, and back pain.  Most of the patients seemed to work in the fields, therefore, had a lot of overuse problems with their muscles and tendons.  Even the women in this village worked in the fields, which is a bit of a change from previous spots.  Once again, we did see some social issues surrounding women and children.  It is hard to know what to do and how to help them without making their situation worse.   Lots of love and reassurance was given toward these lovely people that their unfortunate situation was not their fault.  Hopefully it was a bit helpful. 
We saw 108 patients and were able to wrap up the clinic at about 5:15.  The 1.5 hour drive home was cheerful with a lot of laughter.  The team here is wonderful, smart and capable.  I am privileged to work by their sides.    

John Benson


February 22