February 22

Dateline Coallipa Mexico

Greetings from Mexico.  We all made it safe and sound.  Not a single hitch in our travel plans. No difficulty with customs and the night at the Retreat center was restful.   The next morning after breakfast and prayer we were treated to Mya and Jen singing together in the chapel at the center.  Truly it sounded as if angels were singing (and maybe they were!).  Vincente loaded the van, heavier than the Grinch’s sleigh, and again chugged up the mountains as he has for MDP for years.    We dropped our stuff at the hotel and head off for a half day clinic about 20 minutes away. They were ready and had a great set up for us. Pharmacy and nurses were in covered areas outside and the docs and interpreters inside.  The laughter and playfulness of the children kept the “outsiders” entertained.  The constant laughter lightened the load of us “lnsider” also.
We saw 60 patients in about 3 hours and the main word I would use for our clinic today was smooth.  If you have been on our trips you know the first day of set up is usually closer to a nightmare than smooth.  There are a ton of moving parts to get organized and arranged ESPECIALLY in the pharmacy and they knocked it out of the park with organization and coordination.  Everything else kind of flowed...smoothly from there.
Thank you to Lia Price our fearless leader who has been organizing this little adventure for the last 4 -5 months to make it happen and allow us to be here.
Thank you also, to all of you who have helped us in the past, family (who are left behind to do the daily work), freinds (who have encouraged and prayed for us) and those who have donated so we could have the medicines and supplies to be here and meet these wonderful people. You, by your help, have allowed us to reach out and be the hands of God touching and easing the suffering of those in front of us.  Thank you and continue your prayers.
Rich Peller


February 27


February 26