The journey there…

Minnesota Doctors for People February 2023 Trip


Well, we are underway with our first mission trip back to the great state of Chiapas, Mexico since we came back 2 weeks before the world shut down in 2020. We have a group of 10 volunteers that have all been on at least one MDP trip in the past. Two pharmacists, two nurses, 3 interpreters and 3 providers. We planned a very aggressive schedule visiting 3 towns and about 6.5 days of clinic. One town is a new location MDP has not visited before. Lia and I had warned our team we would need to be very fluid and flexible. We did not think that would include just getting to Mexico! The “great 100 year snow storm” hit us with our first cancelation and sent us (mainly Lia and our awesome Travel agent Mary Jo from Busch Travel) scurrying to reschedule our Mexico flights, hotel rooms, travel volunteers and clinic dates on Wednesday BEFORE we even left MN! When finally landed in Atlanta on our rescheduled flight (not where our original flight was headed) Thursday PM, we found out while in the air that our flight to Mexico City the next day was canceled!!! We worked the phones until 1:30 AM with no result. This morning Lia and Mary Jo worked their magic to rearrange, again, all of the above and we have our flights etc. arranged and by some miracle (God is good) or magic (Lia and Mary Jo with God’s help) we will probably only lose a ½ day of clinic total!! The team has been wonderful and often humorous about the whole situation. We have given ourselves the nickname of the “Gumby Team”. If you are not children of the 1960-70s you probably do not know what the toy was. You can Goggle it. But it was a 7 inch green highly flexible toy. So far the team is living up to it’s name. We are not there yet, so keep those prayers coming!

Rich Peller


Pictures from clinic day 1


Our Mexico team has arrived!