Sunsets and reflections

Sunsets and reflections…

As the sunsets on our final day of clinic, one can’t help but have a flood of different emotions, thoughts and feelings.
The sunset brings a last ray of beauty to the end our day in clinic.
Sunsets remind us of the beauty of the people here, their hospitality, their smiles, and gratitude.
Sunsets are  a sign of the end of a day.  Some fatigue of working as hard as we can to meet the needs of our patients and the community, but regeneration as we visit, laugh and enjoy the camaraderie of our team and driver Vicente on the ride back to our hotel.
Sunsets are Gods beautiful watercolor paintings that brings calm to the end our day.
This sunset brought our mission to an end as we left our last day of clinic in Jitotol and drove back to Tuxla.
Tomorrow will make the trip back to Minnesota.
We will reunite with the families we left behind yet morn the loss of the new family our team has become as we go our separate ways . 
Sunsets bring reflections. 
Memories of our days in clinic, the people we served, the loving care of those who prepared so many meals for us, the local volunteers and the great time spent together as a team including all the  laughs we shared together as a team.
These will be the memories  and reflections that will bring a mix of emotions that will occupy our day dreams and thoughts when we return home as we integrate back to the lives we left behind. 

My thanks and gratitude to Lia Price and Rich Peller for all their hard work in making this trip possible and for their dedication to MDP and leadership on this mission trip.
To Jenna and Kyle - thanks for all your efforts making pharmacy so organized and efficient. The two of you were always so patient with the providers and always provided a quiet place to make treatment decisions.
To Colette and Sherry- thank you for organizing patients, doing procedures and labs. You were always ready and willing to jump into action. You were the ones that sometimes had to work outside in the heat and organize the crowds and not once complained.
To our interpreters Lia, Josh and Thalia- you always have the hardest job and your work does not go without notice! All those hours of tirelessly translating every thing patients and staff say looks exhausting. You all work so hard to be certain all information is conveyed correctly.
To my provider partners Dr. Rich and Dr. Aaron- it’s always a pleasure to work with you.  I truly appreciate your willingness to help with a difficult patent or situation. Your talents and expertise are exceptional. Your patients both here in Chiapas and back home are so fortunate to have you.

Beautiful sunsets in Chiapas, the people we served, the people who served us and this team will forever hold a special place in my heart .

With much gratitude and love,


The Adventure Begins…


Celebrations of gratitude