“Our work is about love not about statistics”

“Our work is about love not about statistics”

In the picture role is a quote from Mother Theresa which contains the above words of great wisdom.

As another wonder mission trip with MDP has come to a close I have time to reflect on what I have learned and what the trip has meant to me personally.

First I must compliment our wonderful team!! These are some of the best people I know, all true examples of being a true follower of he who was called the master Healer.

Second a great thank you to a wonderful organization in #MDP Minnesota Doctors for People, if anyone has a desire to be of service to your fellow man who are disadvantaged in many ways I encourage you to look this organization up online they are wonderful.

Third the people we serve, it never ceases to amaze me the strength of the human spirit. It also never ceases to amaze me how even when we are from two entirely different worlds our spirits can speak to one another when the language which is spoken is respect and love.

My friends as we interact in every aspect of our lives may we ever remember as our true exemplar (Jesus Christ) has taught “He that would be greatest amongst you will be servant to all”. 

Or said another way “When we are in the service of our fellow men we are in the service of our God”

“Our work is about LOVE not about statistics.”

-Dr. Aaron Johnson


A note from Jenna

