Mass and Marimba

March 1, 2023
There was so much to be thankful for and celebrate today.
 At Mass tonight our group was given a very special recognition with prayers of thanksgiving, expressions of gratitude and an invitation to return to Chiapas and consider this home.
At the convent the nuns and support staff served once again an outstanding meal including a birthday cake for Aaron.
This morning our driver Vincent gave Aaron a crown and treat for his birthday.
Tonight at the convent a Marimba Band entertained us during and after dinner.
One of the nuns baked Aaron a birthday cake. It was so nice to be able to celebrate with The local volunteers, nuns and Parish Priest.
It was a great day in clinic followed by Mass, and a special dinner that included a band and a birthday party.
We have been overwhelmed with love and appreciation by those we serve and those in the parish, convent and communities. We have so much to be grateful for. My hope and prayer is that MDP will always be able to carry out this mission and continue to provide a little relief and support to help ease the day to day suffering of the people here.
We are truly “Moved to Serve”.
Nancy Linder




Clinic at Esquipulas