Clinic Day 2

San Martin

 Hello from San Lucas! Well as you may imagine by clinic day 2 we are a well-oiled machine. The clinic ran smoothly and efficiently. Most of the people we see have not seen any type of provider since 2019. The community today had several sick children. We treated pneumonias, ear infections, coughs, and fever.


Colette had success in the eyeglass shop. Many of the women came in saying it was difficult for them to do their handwork because they could no longer see up close as well. It always feels good to believe we are making things better for some people even in the smallest of ways.


The most touching part of the day, however, was shortly after our lunch break. The mission now brings lunch out to us in the community (no more cheese and peanut butter sandwiches for us). After we had eaten, Romeo who is a driver at the mission told Sarah he wanted to say a few words to us and asked her to translate. Through Sarah Romeo shared how thankful he was to all of us for taking the time away from our families and jobs and coming down to spend time with his people. He said what a blessing from God it is that we are willing to do this. He said many tourists come to Guatemala to see the beauty of the country but the groups, your group, comes to see the heart of the people.


I feel thankful for so many things. First to our families and friends back home who support us. To FOSL for hosting us here in this beautiful country and to the people of Guatemala who are so gracious and thankful. Romeo called us a blessing but truly, I think our entire team would say we are blessed to be here. Looking forward to clinic tomorrow and a chance to see the Women’s center again.


Peace to you all,




Clinic Days 3 & 4 The Great Escape


Clinic Day One