Chiapas Donations

The following is a translation of the original document in Spanish from the Cáritas Pastoral Social team in Coapilla, Chiapas regarding the use of the donation MDP made last July 2021


January 2022

Coapilla, Chiapas


We thank God for brothers and sisters like those of the MDP team who work tirelessly and in good will supporting the neediest of families. The Pastoral Social team of the parish of Our Lady of La Candelaria, we feel grateful for your contribution which allows us to continue working for those in so dire straits.


We at Pastoral Social, along with our pastor, Fr. Segundo Joaquín Morales Torres and Sr. Magdalena Pérez Hernández, have worked with the financial support which you have kindly granted. We have worked with those families and persons from our municipality (County) whom we deemed most vulnerable and in most need such as:

·         The elderly

·         Single mothers

·         Widowed persons

·         Orphaned children

·         Those who are ill


Although we know the neediest are many, we decided on a list of 100 persons who are being supported on a regular basis since they do not have the financial means to meet their most basic needs.


These persons have been granted the help according to their specific need which could be any of the following:

·         A basic staples basket. Each basket contains rice, sugar, oats, cookies, beans, oil, powdered milk, toilet paper and toothpaste.

·         A winter blanket. The weather in these communities turns very cold during the winter months, still many of these families live in very simple huts built with thin wooden scraps.

·         Medications. Those with health issues such as hypertension, cardiovascular problems, cancer, diabetes, kidney disease and mental issues received some prescribed and/or OTC medications.

·         Clothing. Again, according to their need some people have received shoes, baby clothing, and/or sweaters.

·         Transportation to medical clinics or hospitals. We either take those in need to a medical facility or we arrange for them to be taken [by someone else in the community].


Additionally, we have informed them [the different communities] that at any time, if we are approached by someone in need who is not on the list, we will grant the requested help.

We pray to our Creator and to our Holy Mother, in her advocation of Our Lady of La Candelaria (Candlemas) that He may shower you with abundant blessing, may He protect you at all times and everywhere, and may He continue to grant you the gifts to do your work with your usual dedication and love. It is small works that make a difference.  THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT.

As soon as you can be back among us doing your mission work, know that we are awaiting you with open arms.


The Pastoral Social Team







Guatemala Team March 2022


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